Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lawmakers cheer on local 2012 London Olympics competitors

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Lawmakers on the Hill are cheering on their hometown heroes as they prepare to compete in the 2012 London Olympics. The Hill says, "When Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings (D) tunes in to this summer's Olympic Games, he'll be cheering on a local legend, swimmer Michael Phelps. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) will be rooting for super heavyweight boxer Dominic Breazeale, who comes from Schiff's Alhambra district. Fellow California Rep. John Garamendi (D) has also reached out to several Olympians in his district. "There are about half a dozen people from my district going to the Olympics...I've been sending congratulatory letters to them, he said." More from the 
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