Wednesday, January 6, 2010

White House Party Crasher Number 3...and 4...

This story is starting to sound strangely reminiscent of Tiger Woods and his growing tally of mistresses.
One of my new favorite blogs, Ask Miss A, was blogging back in December about the third White House party crasher, Carlos Allen:
There are rumors floating around Washington that Tareq and Michaele Salahi may not have been alone in crashing the State Dinner. It seems that Carlos Allen, CEO of Hush Society Magazine may have also crashed President and Mrs. Obama’s first State Dinner, too. As Carol Joynt reported today on her blog, which quoted my contributor’s post on, but never mentioned my website, Carlos wasn’t on the State Dinner invitation list. According to some of his Facebook friends, Carlos allegedly posted some photos of himself at the State Dinner on Facebook, which were taken down when the Salahi Gate-Crashing story broke.
This morning, Andrea Rodgers is blogging about the possibility of a fourth party crasher, a PR Director for Hush mag:
Sharmila Viswasam who is Director of Public Relations for Hush Society Magazine, which Carlos Allen runs has been Facebragging like her friends, Tareq and Michaele Salahi.

From Sharmila's Facebook page:

Sharmila Viswasam Hush Society live at the White House with the Obamas for the State dinner Told yall we do it real BIG. Hush! Tell a friend

November 24, 2009 at 9:59pm via Mobile Web • Comment •LikeUnlike • View Feedback (12)Hide Feedback (12)

Sharmila Viswasam From my motherland to my homeland! wow what a Great toast to two great countries of the world! What a wonderful night at the WH.
November 25, 2009 at 12:33am • Comment •LikeUnlike • View Feedback (1)Hide Feedback (1) • Share

The lesson in this whole crasher-gate debacle? If you're going to crash a party at the White House, don't post your pictures, comments, thoughts, etc. on Facebook and Twitter!
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