On Friday, I mentioned that Senator Scott Brown was not amused by a joke comedian Kathy Griffin made about his daughters—calling them prostitutes. Now Ms. Griffin is being called out by another Massacuhsetts pol--Congressman Barney Frank.
Rep. Frank was recently on an episode of her show, My Life on the D-List, which was part of the reason he felt “compelled to comment.” In a letter to Griffin, he writes, “Since you did include me in that show I wanted to make it very clear that I thought what you did was wholly unfair and inappropriate. It’s the kind of thing that makes it less likely that I or others can cooperate with you in the future.”
As for this week's episode, the Boston Globe seems to imply that we may be hearing from Congressman about the show again in the very near future. In the episode (scheduled to air in the coming days) Griffin comments on Frank's sexuality saying, “He doesn’t know when ‘American Idol’ is on? He doesn’t care about Liza Minnelli? How is this guy even gay?”