Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Palin Aide Thinks Bristol is a Liability

For someone who’s supposed to be a ghostwriter, there’s isn’t much mystery about what Sarah Palin’s aide, Rebecca Mansour, thinks about Bristol Palin. According to private emails discovered by the Daily Caller Mansour compares Bristol to other well-known relatives who have made life difficult for their famous political families. "Two words: Patti Davis. Okay three more: Ron Reagan Junior," Mansour said in a series of Twitter direct messages obtained by the Caller. "Two more: Billy Carter. Doesn't your family have one?"Mansour said Palin's eldest daughter won't derail Palin's future political ambitions though. "She will hold her at arm's length," Mansour wrote. "Even [Margaret] Thatcher was never able to disown her screw up son Mark. It's a Mom thing"

Mansour asked the Daily Caller not to publish the tweets. (Actually she first denied the messages and later acknowleded they were indeed hers--asking that they at least refrain from publishing the messages about Bristol).But did someone pay for the Rebecca Mansour story? FishBowlNY has more.
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